Short Story

Thirty girls seek to advance their skills in online literacy.

Internet Connection for Child Protection Shelter

byErika Clary

  • $1,244.00

    Funding Goal
  • $1,296.80

    Funds Raised
  • 30

    Kids Impacted
Raised Percent :
This project has been funded.

Erika Clary

46 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

About the campaign creator

Erika Clary
46 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

Contact Info

Social Link

Requested Item
Item Cost
# of Items
Network Equipment: router, cables
Installation Fee
Monthly Usage Fee

*Donation includes: (a) PayPal secured processing (2.2% + $0.30 per transaction), (b) administration and technology to ensure this project reaches goal

About This Project:

In 2008, Family Care Cambodia established a small computer lab at the CCPCR rescue shelter, providing IT classes twice daily for youth survivors of human trafficking and abuse. They would like to upgrade the girls’ learning opportunities by also providing internet connection. This will enable them to learn how to use email, increase access to educational resources, & prepare them for higher education and/or entry into a competitive job market. The girls have identified their future career dreams to include such things as becoming a doctor, accountant, teacher, lawyer, photographer, and journalist. The better prepared they are for their futures, the less likely they will further fall prey to exploitation. This connection will also provide the shelter’s staff with access to needed resource materials and online communication.

Click below for a slideshow of this project:

Organization Background, Family Care Cambodia (FCC):

Founded in 2002, FCC is recognized by the Cambodian government with MOUs from Ministries of Foreign Affairs, and Education, Youth and Sports. Our activities include: Translation, production and distribution of children’s books.—Assisting shelter for minor girls, rescued from sexual exploitation and domestic violence. We provide English, computer and art classes; rice and cooking gas monthly and weaving looms and sewing machines for vocational training. We built and maintain a second story with bedrooms and lavatories.—At a primary school in Siem Reap, we built and furnished an IT lab, teacher’s office, 3-classroom school building and student lavatories. 300+ students benefit from our English, computer and sports training.— Assisting a village school in Kampong Speu province, for 57 children without access to a public school.—Operating a Hostel for 20 rural boarding students, earning their post graduate degrees.—Assisting the annual Cambodian Special Olympic Games.—Daily English lessons for Sen Srok slum community.